Cool box art for this kit with Nasa-Chan in the yellow dress. This version of the Messerschmidtt is the F.4 version which i don't really know what that means except i guess its a upgrade. Is for the Operation Barbarossa which started the great patriotic war with Soviet Russian.
This is the summers version there is a winter version but not sure if i'll get that one, end up with 10 Messerschmitt's.
Back of the box shows that what the new f.4 version of the Bf-109 differences are, seems it's a update on the F.2

Usual easy to follow instructions as with all the Sweet kits ive got even though i can't read much of the Japanese. Looks like there more English than the Mustang.

Lots of interesting colour schemes to choose from, kinda worried about painting the yellow, has always been for with white the worst colour for me to paint. Tends to always look really wrong.

Looking like perfect plastic, think i read somewhere that the Sweet Bf-109 are the first sweet kit with proper cockpit, like chair and a dashboard which even the Revell kit has none on the Academy.

Might be sometimes before i start this one, already gathering quite a stash with some kits i really want to build and other not so.
the box is cute ^^, I can't wait when it is complete
This is cute! Does it comes with a figure of the cute girl?
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