Another Revell kit, this time the super cool Harrier Jump jet, American version. Kits looking good, looks of nice detail and if its anything like the F-14 im working on right now it should fit together nicely.
Bought a Reveal Tornado a couple of weeks back for the super cheap price of 50 pence and it was really bad, ended up throwing it away and keeping the decals and fuel tanks which is OK i guess for the price.
Instructions have a paint scheme for the Spanish Air Force, which might be cool to make, already got lots of cool USA jet and propeller plains with country outside of the USA, British and Germany having nothing i can think of so might make the Spanish version. I reckon this might be a newer kit because of the cockpit which has decals, all the older kit which are not all that good have no cockpit while the new ones have a simple cockpit and also very nice landing gear and weapons.

Lots of nice paneling which probably can't see in the photo anyway, liking the turbines for the engine, should look really nice when that's paint and had a dark wash applied.

Notice i got a follower, what a shocker! RiP666 welcome.
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