First completed resin kit the TA-7C Corsair II from FeResin, got to say at the moment i prefer injection kits but that's only because Ive been building them since i started modeling.
The aircraft depicted is from the U.S Naval Air Weapon Station China Lake, its where the US Navy test out there new weaponry, wonder how you get a cool job like that, bombs away.
The Ycraft decals, very thin and look great once applied. Need to be a bit more defined and have sharper colour, his website no longer works?
Pirates firing laser beams from there only remaining eyes, yep your screwed.
Best cockpit ive done so far, tried to copy a 1/48 resin kit, can just see the rivet on the wings using the trumpeter river maker, not really made for the scale.
Used the camera on my new phone Nexus S, freaking close-ups are better than both my other cameras, what up with that?
really nice flat nose aircraft !!! where u got that landing strip base ??? makes it look pretty realistic !!! now, what’s the difference between resin kit & injection kit ???
Absolutely awesome work,finally done!
Awesome looking Twosair. Nice work!
Thank you!
Chris - Resin kit is usually garage kits poured with resin, never mass produced. Injection kits are your standard plastic kits from Tamiya, Revell etc, mass produced.
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