As soon as i saw this kit in the model shop it was an instant buy, the Blackbird's got to be one of the coolest jets around.
Has 1/144 on the side of the box but once opened the size of the cockpit looked very small. So i assembled the fuselage and measured her up, then checked out the stats on Wikipedia and reckon this is probable more 1/220, way to small for me.
Should be twice the length of the F-14 Tomcat above. As the kit was not looking all the good to me i decided to ditch her and use the parts i like for future scratch building.
Here she is in action, what a beauty. Looks like there are other kit available so will buy one in the future.
Would not be able to resist adding a little Decepticon decal underneath, make my own 1/144 scale Jetfire.
Cool! Will wait for your complete work for this jetfire. :P
Indeed, this is one of the coolest stealth plane ever made though I like Tomcat best.
Same here.
i saw the "1/144" on the box and immediately i bought it.
yet, when i opened the box, "oh my god how come this SR-71 is soooooooooo small?!?" lol
it's much smaller than my dear F-4s/F-14s.....!
feel like getting cheated XD
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