Hope everyone had lovely Christmas, i did myself and spent nearly a whole week of over indulgences, my bad.
One from the haul i brought back from Japan. This Magella Attack is based on the more realistic M.S. Igloo 2 version which must of had around a minute of screen time or less. Another awesome redesign from U.C. Hardgraph, which lately ive become a bit obsessed with modelling.
An excellent model and a proper model from Bandai this one, you need to glue quite a few parts together on this one instead of the usual snap-fit. Great thing about this model is no visible seam line, no freaking putty to sand, sweet! Still plenty of sprue snubs to sand and so many single pieces of tank tread, very fidley. Added a little detail to the rear, hollowed out the exhaust and a few bit gibblies, but really could have left it as was.

Realised i didn't do a review of this kit before i started to model it but 2 kits per box, one i will build as the Magella Attack and the other in the far future a Zaku Tank maybe.