Two 1/144 scale kits released by Revell of 4.5 / 5 Generation demonstrators, which i guess got shelved after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Mikoyan Project 1.44 or Mig 144 Mfi and the
Sukhoi S-37 Berkut, which ive also seen as Su-47.
Going to build both at the same time, bought the Mig off eBay and got the Berkut in a trade.
Berkut might be a but of a pain being all black, worried about dust ruining it .
Built both. If memory serves, the seams on the MiG are worse than the Sukhoi. Also try to paint as many of the white panels as you can on the Sukhoi.
Me, I'm looking forward to the Pitt Road of the PAK FA!!
Reminds me of Ace Combat.
So are these bad fitting kits, looks accurate but a little too simple.
Bring on the Fak Pa, was trying to remember which company was planing on making one.
Last level on Ace Combat 6, Berkut! Never replayed the game and get the piont so i could actually pilot it though.
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